Feck Dry January!

So we’re mid-January of 2021. We’re also mid-level 5 lockdown, round 2! What’s happening?!? I feel like it’s groundhog day 🙈 The idea that we have to go through it all over again scares the daylights out of me 😱

I had great intentions of eating clean, going sober and exercising. I have to be honest, the exercise is going great and it’s really helping my mental well being so yay for exercise!!!

But lads! Come on!!! Dry January in 2021 just isn’t on the cards for me…

Now, I’m not saying let’s all become dipsos and let ourselves go with fast food and sugar. I am saying now is this is not the time to be depriving ourselves of the weekend night indulgence we love most. Whatever that may be?!?

I have a few but the top of my list of indulgence is red wine, good red wine! Sure why not?!? We’d pay for two glasses of mediocre red in the city centre what you would a lovely Italian red from a wine store 🍇

And what goes soooo well with wine?!? Yes, it’s 🧀 baby!!! God, I love cheese!!

So there it is! I’ve decided to present to you some of my naughty dining pleasures and first up is cheese and wine! (Wine might come up a bit more in upcoming posts 🤣)

Yes, this is how we spend our weekend evenings! We purchase lovely red wine and cheese from our local wine shop and indulge whilst watching the Sopranos. Nearing the end of season 3 now!

Guys, take some time to treat yourself. This time we are living
in is not the norm, so don’t treat it that way! We need treats, we deserve treats!! You’re 💯 worth it.

That eye-catching, delicious chutney is made by my amazing friend and incredibly talented Chef @linda_doyle_01 Linda’s famous Balsamic Fig Chutney 😋

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